Course Syllabus

online spring 17 syllabus (1) (1) (2).docArt Appreciation

Art Appreciation

Art 1301

Del Mar College

Corpus Christi, TX



Course Outline for

Online Art 1301 Art Appreciation

3-0 Credit

Spring 2017


Instructor: Mr. Michael Stephens

Email at


Required Text: Gateways to Art by Debra J. De Witte, Ralph Larmann and M. Kathryn Shields, 1st Edition.




  1. E-Mail:

Normal course correspondence will be conducted through our Canvas mail program. If you are unable to access Canvas Learning System and need to contact me, email me at I do not have an office phone and DO NOT CALL ME at home. (Sorry, but this has been an issue in the past). If you must contact me right away call the Art Department and they will contact me.


  1. Office Hours: I’m an adjunct professor and do not have an office, if you need to discuss something, then email me. If you need to drop off something then leave it with the Art Office, located downstairs in the FA Building on the East Campus. My virtual office hours will be from 8:00AM till 1:00 PM M-F. This means I will be online during these hours working on classes.



A critical evaluation of selected works in the media of drawing, printmaking, photography, painting, sculpture. The course will cover the relationship of art to religious, economic, political and social backgrounds. Students will also cover the tools and techniques of artist. A survey for non-art majors


  1. GOALS:


1.Students will understand the contribution of art to culture, society and everyday life. (EEO 2,7)


  1. Students will be able to recognize and identify major art forms. (EEO 1,2,3,4,6,7)


  1. Students will recognize various styles and mediums of art. (EEO 1,2,3,4,6,7)


* See VIII section for more information on EEO’s




  1. Given the term “art” the student should acquire a working definition, which shows recognition of the limitations and popular misconceptions of the term, as evidenced by his or her participation in a class discussion for the term.


  1. Students will be able to identify and analyze art through the use of images, video and computer. Students will be able to categorize major works of art and develop basic critiquing skills.


  1. Students will be able to recognize unique ways that individuals express themselves and the different thought process and technique that produce art.


    1. |Reading the textbook and COMPLETING all the online components developed to accompany it.
      1. Learning activities involve extensive use of internet resources as well as the discussion boards. You will have one week to comment on the discussion boards to be counted as credit. The discussion boards counts as your participation grade.
      2. There will be no required on-campus meetings.
      3. Students are responsible for all material covered in class. Some questions are not covered in the text and will require online RESEARCH!
    2. Use of Computers and Internet (EEO 1,2,3,5,6,7)
      1. Visuals of art will be presented through various media.
      2. Websites
      3. Videos
      4. Computer/internet
      5. Written
      6. Students will write a 4 page report based upon an artist of their choice. See the link for more information (EEO 1-3, 5,6)
      7. Students will visit a museum, art gallery, exhibition or workshop and fill out a museum/gallery checklist. (EE0 1-6)
      8. Chapter assignments. ( EEO 1,2,3,5, 6,7)
      9. Tests (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
      10. There will be quizzes given during the semester
      11. There will be a final exam
      12. There will be NO exemptions from the tests.





  1. Availability of a computer with Internet access and the skills needed to use it effectively. If you do not have daily access or you have constant problems with your computer you need to resolve these issues, this class is an online class and I cannot make an exception for students who lose their use of the Internet. If having technical problems call the information Help Desk at (361) 698-2330.


  1. A Minimum of three hours per week in our “virtual” classroom, with comparable time for reading textbook assignments and visiting art sites (both physical and virtual. This is an online course and there will be a GREAT, GREAT DEAL of writing and reading, if you can not handle the workload, then I suggest you take the regular course offered every semester.


  1. Anyone who fails to participate for two weeks without contacting me is subject to being dropped from my roll. It will then be your responsibility then to drop the class to avoid receiving and F for the course. Please contact me if serious issues interfere with your class participation.


  1. If a student is doing poorly in class or not attending class it is his or hers responsibility to withdrawl.


  1. Completion of all assignments.


  1. If a student is caught cheating he/she will automatically fail the class. If you work with fellow students, it is your responsibility to make sure that they do not copy your work. IF I RECEIVE TWO SIMILAR WORKS, BOTH STUDENTS WILL FAIL!!!!



  • Exemplary Educational Objectives (EEO): These are the things that a student should take away from taking this course.



  1. To demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts
  2. To understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within a historical and social context
  3. To respond critically to works in the arts and humanities
  4. To engage in the creative process and comprehend the physical and intellectual demands required of the visual arts
  5. To articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts
  6. To develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the arts
  7. To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of the arts on intercultural experiences.






  1. Students will study a history of Western art from Prehistoric to the Contemporary. The styles of different cultures will be presented, as well as the impact of the visual arts upon human civilization. Students will also get a basic understanding of art principles and theory. The student will develop an art vocabulary and understand the ideas and technique that artist use.


  1. Class participation and attendance (15%)


  1. Posting and responding on the Discussion board, plus an average of chapter assignments and credit for overall participation in course activities. Since we will not have class meetings, meaningful and regular participation is particularly important as is meeting assignment deadlines. To stay on top of thing, I recommend logging on every day to check homepage headlines, email and discussion postings for important information.                                                                                                                                                                  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   15% of overall grade

  1. Papers (15%)                                                                                                                                                                    15% of overall grade
  2. 3. Daily work (10%)                                                                                                                              10% of overall grade
  3. Final Exam and quizzes (60%)                                                                                                                                                         60% of overall grade

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total     100%  



Students should refer to the Code of Conduct in the Del Mar Student handbook for proper behavior online. Vulgar language and unbecoming conduct will result in a withdrawal from the class with an F.


Grade Point Average

Your Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated multiplying the semester-hour value of the course by the point value in which a completion grade of A, B, C, D,

F, R, or P was earned. For example: 3 semester hours with a “B” grade = 9 grade points. To determine the grade point average, add up the grade points from all courses and divide by the total semester hours attempted. For example: 15 semester hours with 30 total grade points = 2.0 average. The semester hour of

credit represents at least three hours of work each week, on average, for a period of fifteen to sixteen weeks (one semester credit hour is equivalent to one hour of

classroom work and two hours of preparation/study time to be performed outside of class time). Laboratory work may add a semester hour’s credit to a course.


Incomplete Grade (I)

When you do not complete a course because of illness or extenuating circumstances in any semester, the instructor may assign the “I” grade, signifying that your

work is incomplete.


The instructor will provide you and the department chair with: 1) a written reason for the assignment of an “I” grade, 2) a description of the work to satisfy course

requirements, 3) a timeline for you to complete the work and 4) a timeline for the instructor to submit a grade change form to the Registrar. The “I” grade will

not be computed into the grade point average.


If the “I” grade change is not completed at the end of the subsequent full-term semester (Fall or Spring), the “I” grade will automatically change to an “F” (for

failing) in college-level classes, or “R” (for repeat) in developmental classes. Any exceptions to this timeline can be made only with the approval of the Provost

and Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.


If you have an “I” grade, you may not enroll in the same class in the next semester as a substitution for completing unfinished work on the “I” grade. However, if

you receive a grade of “F” or “R” because you failed to complete the requirements for the removal of the “I” grade, you may re-enroll for the same course again. If

you repeat the course, the grade in the repeated grade will become the grade of record and will be calculated into the Grade Point Average. The “F” or “R” from

the “I” grade that was not completed will remain on the transcript.


Withdraw Grade (W)

An official withdrawal from a course may be initiated by a student or faculty member, resulting in the assignment of a “W” grade which is not computed in

a grade point average. Students must meet the “W” grade deadline in order to be eligible to receive this designation. Failure to meet the deadline will result

in a failing grade.



Mike Stephens

Course Outline Schedule for Art 1301 Art Appreciation

Spring Semester 2017


Course Outline is subject to change depending on student’s progress.


Every week students are expected to participate in the Online Discussion Boards.


Week 1– Syllabus, Introduction Chap., Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 2- Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 3– Chap. 1.6-1.10, Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 4– Chap. 2.1, Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1, 3, 4, 5,6,7)


Week 5 – Chap. 2.2, Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 6 -Chap. 2.3, Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 7 - March 4. -Chap. 2.5, quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 8 – Chap. 2.9, Discussions Questions and quiz, (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 9- Chap. 3.1, Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 10 -Chap.3.2, Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 11 -Chap. 3.6, Discussions Questions and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 12- Chap. 3.7 and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 13 -Chap. 3.8


Week 14- Chap. 4.11 –Paper and quiz (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 15- Last week of class, Review and Museum Checklist is due. (EEO 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)


Week 16- Final Exam



Course Summary:

Date Details Due